I was asked recently what some of my favorite books on tatting were. Since I tend to prefer those with good diagrams and smaller projects, these are the winners for me:

A little tome that I often return to get ideas for those bits of thread left on my shuttle is Tatting Collage by Lindsay Rogers. Nicely charted very small projects that can used in a variety of ways... and her collages are beautiful!

The second book I ever bought, but my first on shuttle tatting was The DMC Book of Charted Tatting Designs by Kirstine Nickolajsen and Inge Lise Nikolajsen. I still have the very first doily I tatted from this book ... what an example of uneven tension it is, but great to look at and see where I once was.
I would be amiss not to mention, Easy Tatting and Celtic Tatting by Rozella Linden (aka Ruth Perry). In fact, any of her books are keepers! I've had the pleasure of being her student at several classes given at the Finger Lakes Tatting Guild's Lace Days in Hector, NY and I always learn something new.
A couple books worth mention, not for their patterns, but for the information they contain about the history and art of tatting are Tatting: Technique and History by Elgiva Nicholls and The Complete Book of Tatting: Everything You Wanted to Know but Couldn't Find Out About Shuttle Lace by Rebecca Jones. Books like this offer us more in depth knowledge about this beautiful craft that's important for any hobbyist, professional or teacher.

I'm sure others have favorites too. Let me know what yours are! I'll take a look another time at my favorite web sites for tatting.